Build your application faster.

Viewi UI is a Viewi PHP Library with beautiful Material Design Components. Inspired by Vuetify and Bootstrap. Completely reactive and with full SSR support.

Browse Components

Join the Newsletter

Brunch this weekend?
Ali Connors — I'll be in your neighborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want to hang out?
Summer BBQ 4
to Alex, Scott, Jennifer — Wish I could come, but I'm out of town this weekend.
Oui oui
Sandra Adams — Do you have Paris recommendations? Have you ever been?
Birthday gift
Trevor Hansen — Have any ideas about what we should get Heidi for her birthday?
<Sheet elevation="2" class="relative-container">

    <Toolbar dark="true" color="info">
        <Btn icon="true" dark="true" (click)="$drawer = !$drawer">
            <Icon name="mdi-menu" dark="true" />
        <Btn icon="true" dark="true" (click)="$showSearch = !$showSearch">
            <Icon name="mdi-magnify" dark="true" />
        <Btn icon="true" dark="true" (click)="$showAlert2 = true">
            <Icon name="mdi-filter" dark="true" />
        <Btn icon="true" dark="true" (click)="$showAlert3 = true">
            <Icon name="mdi-dots-vertical" dark="true" />

    <NavigationDrawer absolute="true" temporary="true" model="$drawer">
                    <Image src="/images/miki_d.jpg"></Image>
            <ListItem link="true">
                    <ListItemTitle class="text-h6">Miki the Cat</ListItemTitle>
                    <Icon name="mdi-menu-down" />
        <ListContainer dense="true" nav="true" (click)="$drawer = !$drawer">
            <ListItemGroup color="primary">
                <ListItem foreach="$itemsNav as $i => $item" link="true" active="{$i === $selectedItemNav}"
                    (click)="$selectedItemNav = $i">
                        <Icon name="{$item['icon']}" />

    <ListContainer threeLine="true">
        <template foreach="$inboxItems as $i => $item">
                    <Image src="{$item['avatar']}"></Image>
                    <div class="list-item-subtitle">{{$item['subtitle']}}</div>
            <Divider if="{$i < count($inboxItems) - 1}" inset="true"></Divider>

    <div class="pa-4 absolute-bottom">
        <Alert type="success" dismissible="true" active="$showAlert3" (onDismiss)="$showAlert3 = false">
            I&apos;m a success alert.
        <Alert type="error" dismissible="true" border="right" active="$showAlert2" (onDismiss)="$showAlert2 = false">
            I&apos;m an error alert.


namespace Components\Views\Home;

use Viewi\BaseComponent;
use Viewi\DOM\Events\DOMEvent;

class InboxDemo extends BaseComponent
    public int $selectedItemNav = 0;
    public bool $drawer = false;
    public bool $showAlert3 = false;
    public bool $showAlert2 = false;
    public bool $showSearch = false;

    public array $itemsNav = [
        ['text' => 'My Files', 'icon' => 'mdi-folder'],
        ['text' => 'Shared with me', 'icon' => 'mdi-account-multiple'],
        ['text' => 'Starred', 'icon' => 'mdi-star'],
        ['text' => 'Recent', 'icon' => 'mdi-history'],
        ['text' => 'Offline', 'icon' => 'mdi-check-circle'],
        ['text' => 'Uploads', 'icon' => 'mdi-upload'],
        ['text' => 'Backups', 'icon' => 'mdi-cloud-upload']

    public array $inboxItems = [
            'avatar' => '/images/avatar_2.jpg',
            'title' => 'Brunch this weekend?',
            'subtitle' => '<span class="light-text">Ali Connors</span> &mdash; I\'ll be in your neighborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want to hang out?',
            'avatar' => '/images/author.jpg',
            'title' => 'Summer BBQ <span class="grey-text text-lighten-1">4</span>',
            'subtitle' => '<span class="light-text">to Alex, Scott, Jennifer</span> &mdash; Wish I could come, but I\'m out of town this weekend.',
            'avatar' => '/images/avatar_3.jpg',
            'title' => 'Oui oui',
            'subtitle' => '<span class="light-text">Sandra Adams</span> &mdash; Do you have Paris recommendations? Have you ever been?',
            'avatar' => '/images/avatar_2.jpg',
            'title' => 'Birthday gift',
            'subtitle' => '<span class="light-text">Trevor Hansen</span> &mdash; Have any ideas about what we should get Heidi for her birthday?',

    function getValidationRules(): array
        return [
            'max' => fn (?string $value) => strlen($value ?? '') <= 25 || 'Max 25 characters',
            'required' => fn (?string $value) => !!$value || 'This field is required'

Fully customizable and responsive components

For example, Twitter or Facebook
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