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Auto grow
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No resize
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0 / 25
2 / 5
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50 / 25
17 / 25
function getValidationRules(): array { return [ 'max' => fn (?string $value) => strlen($value ?? '') <= 25 || 'Max 25 characters', 'required' => fn (?string $value) => !!$value || 'This field is required' ]; } ... <TextField textarea="true" label="Website or social profile link" counter="25" rules="{getValidationRules()}" hint="Has validation rules" persistentHint="true" value="California is a state in the western United States" /> <TextField textarea="true" label="Website or social profile link" hint="For example, Twitter or Facebook" placeholder="You website here" outlined="true" persistentHint="true" clearable="true" counter="25" rules="{getValidationRules()}" value="https://viewi.net" />
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Icons: append
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Prefixes and suffixes
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